Sunday, September 18, 2011

Good-bye Mom

Saying good-bye is never easy.....

I didn't realize how hard it was going to be to say good-bye to my mom....oh my goodness I had a really hard time with it. My mom has always been there for me, she lived a block away from us, I could go over anytime to hang out or just sit and have a quiet cup of tea. She would cook me supper when Trent was working or away when I really didn't want to cook. She was always there to come shopping with me, or come and watch the kids skate, play soccer, perform in school plays, etc. I think I took that for granted. I sure miss it now that we have moved to Victoria.... I can't just go over anytime I want. I love you so much Mom and I miss you everyday. I want you to know how much fun I had when you were here and I want you to come back as soon as you can. Thank you for everything you did while you were here, especially helping me unpack. I Love you Mom more than words can ever say.

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