Monday, September 19, 2011

Cooling Down

After working in the garden we headed down to the ocean to cool off.

Our Garden

We have a huge garden on our property which we are going to plant next year. But right now it is very overgrown. We spent a few hours in there mowing the grass and taking the grass away. Next step to rototill the soil and get rid of all the grass roots. It's going to be hard work but next year when we are getting fresh veggies out of our garden all the hard work will pay off.

Our Neighbours.... Woodwynn Farms

Across the road from our driveway is Woodwynn Farms and every Saturday they have an open house where you can go check them out, play with the pigs, and buy fresh fruit and veggies so we decided to walk over. It was nothing too exciting but it's always nice to know your neighbours.

Funny story......The kids were playing with the pigs and after Dylan was done he asked the lady if she had any hand sanitizer. Well of course they didn't have any hand sanitizer it is a farm. You can totally tell he is a city kid!!!!

Watering Can Waterpark in Beacon Hill Park

We met up with Uncle Chris, Ella, and Evan for a picnic and the kids played at the waterpark. It is a very cute waterpark, but when we asked the kids if they wanted to go back they said no because the water was way too cold.

Walking on the Break Water

One of the things Trent wanted to do for his birthday was go for a walk on the break water. So we took the kids into Victoria. It was such a beautiful day, perfect day for a walk. Daddy Jim (Trent's dad) was very concerned that the kids would walk off the sides and plunge into the ocean. Don't worry no kids fell into the ocean that day.

Blue Heron on our Dock

Starfish Hug Anyone?

Taylor's Eagle Feather

Mermaid Rock

The rock Dylan is standing on in this picture is what we call Mermaid Rock. When the tide is out you are able to walk to this rock without getting wet, but when the tide comes in you have to swim out to it. Right now the tide is not all the way in, so you can still see the top of the rock. The water by the rock is way over my head. Our family has swam out to Mermaid Rock many times, so I didn't think anything about Dylan swimming out to it by himself (as you can see he has his life jacket on) Nothing bad can happen......well I thought wrong. Dylan decided he was unable to get off Mermaid Rock because he didn't want to step on any starfish. Of course I didn't wear my bathing suit that day, the girls would not go get him, and here he is stuck on Mermaid Rock while the tide is coming in with waves crashing all around him. OMG!!!!! Well Thank goodness Joan came down for a swim (she was staying at the cabin) and she was able to save my son. I will never go down to the beach without my bathing suit again!!!!

Dinner on the Deck

Oh Crap......Don't tell Trent

So I had my first car accident.....

Don't worry no one was hurt.... just my right tail light and a parking lot pole.

It's funny I even said to myself; Sarah you really shouldn't park there because of that pole. Are you going to be able to back up that truck and not hit that pole? But there was no other spots to park, so I parked there anyways. Well I guess I shouldn't have.... because yes I hit that pole. Funny thing is I didn't even think I caused any damage I just thought I hit the hitch. It wasn't until the next day when I was at Uncle Chris's house that Taylor noticed.

It's barely noticeable the clear part of the light is suppose to be red. I guess we will have to buy another one...Thank goodness the part is only $40.00 I told Trent to buy a bunch. I'm sure I will do it again!!!!

Oh Crap!!!!!

Swimming with Ella & Evan

We went over to swim with our cousins Ella & Evan, they have a pool at their house. The kids had so much fun playing with each other and their crazy Uncle Christopher!!!!!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Good-bye Mom

Saying good-bye is never easy.....

I didn't realize how hard it was going to be to say good-bye to my mom....oh my goodness I had a really hard time with it. My mom has always been there for me, she lived a block away from us, I could go over anytime to hang out or just sit and have a quiet cup of tea. She would cook me supper when Trent was working or away when I really didn't want to cook. She was always there to come shopping with me, or come and watch the kids skate, play soccer, perform in school plays, etc. I think I took that for granted. I sure miss it now that we have moved to Victoria.... I can't just go over anytime I want. I love you so much Mom and I miss you everyday. I want you to know how much fun I had when you were here and I want you to come back as soon as you can. Thank you for everything you did while you were here, especially helping me unpack. I Love you Mom more than words can ever say.


Always remember when picking blackberries to be very careful around their thorns. Taylor was not so lucky today......

Picking Blackberries with Grandma

We have tons of blackberry bushes on our property. Actually there are hundreds of blackberry bushes everywhere on the island. The kids are always picking them, I don't blame them they are delicious. We have lots of fruit growing on our property, blackberries, pears, peaches, apples, kiwi, plums, and choke cherries. Yummy!!!!

Beacon Hill Park

No trip to Victoria is complete without going to Beacon Hill Park. Walking around the gardens, feeding the ducks (which you are not suppose to do....oops), going to Beacon Hill Park petting zoo, watering can water park, playground for the kids, etc. We had a great time doing all those things except the water park we saved that for another day.

Fun Times in Parksville BC

We still had so much fun in Parksville. So much to do there. We played in the tide pools and collected a ton of sand dollars. Played at the water park which the kids loved. And ate some delicious ice-cream.