Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Good-bye Calgary I will miss you

Well I really can't believe it, but I am saying good-bye to Calgary. Good-bye to the place I was born and raised.... Good-bye to the place where I got married... Good-bye to the place where all my kids were born...

I know people move all the time, but it makes me sad to say good-bye to everything and everybody I know. Good-bye to everything that is familiar. Good-bye to our house....good-bye to McKenzie Lake....good-bye to the kids schools....good-bye to our community...good-bye to walks at the river....good-bye to 191st Brownies....good-bye to my kids friends....good-bye to my friends....good-bye to my family....good-bye....good-bye....good-bye...

I really hate good-byes!!!! So sorry to anyone who I didn't say a proper good-bye to. I am really sad about leaving. I will miss everything and everyone more than you guys will every know.

Happy 80th Birthday Grandmama

My Grandmama turned 80 years old when we in Calgary. I am so thankful for being able to celebrate her big day with her. She is a wonderful lady and I love her so much.

Happy Birthday Grandpa

My Grandpa turned 84 while we were in Calgary. So my kids and I were able to go to his birthday party. Everyone had a great time. Happy Birthday Grandpa. We love you so much.


We spent lots of days with my Grandpa; my kids call him Big Grandpa. He is in a new place right in McKenzie Towne. It really is a nice place and so close to everyone. I just wish we had of gotten him in there sooner so my kids would've spent more time with him. But every time we come back to Calgary we will go to visit him too. Love you Grandpa. Miss you so much. Talk to you soon. See you soon. Don't drive those nurse too crazy!!!!
Every year we take a day and go to Calaway Park with the kids. It's a day filled with fun, rides, mini donuts, and laughter.

While we were back in Calgary, we spent as many days as possible at the lake. The kids have so much fun playing with their friends and I love hanging with my girlfriends. You guys have no idea how much I am going to miss the lazy days of summer hanging out with you ladies and watching our kids play. God I am going to miss you guys!!!!! Just looking at these pictures brings tears to my eyes.

Father daughter time

Trent took the girls fishing one evening. Dylan had fallen asleep, so we stayed home. Both girls caught a fish that night. They had a wonderful time with their dad and he had a great time with them.

Ash Koley Concert

My Mom won VIP tickets to a concert, which she took me to. I had never heard of the band, but they ended up being really good. I had a wonderful time hanging with my Mom. Thanks Mom you Rock!!!!

Mommy & Kids Playdate @ Tera's house

Tera had a bunch of us ladies over to hang out while the kids played. Everyone had a fantastic time. Especially the girls and Dylan, when we let them jump on the trampoline in the pouring rain. Tera baked...which everyone LOVES. There were 13 kids over and everyone had a great time.
Thank you Tera.

The Help

Great book!!! Could not put it down....